About Grace Monroe Home
Grace Monroe home was founded in 2007 by Mother - Daughter design duo, Sherry Buckner and Amanda Cleckler. Grace Monroe Home is known for their artistically crafted designer door wreaths and artificial florals. Their unique designs have been featured in a multitude of publications, blogs, and on the TLC show Four Weddings.Over the years, Sherry & Amanda have taught thousands how to make wreaths, centerpieces and floral arrangements in their exclusive Design With The Pros Club, and millions more have watched and learned how to create designer door wreaths, swags, and bows from their weekly “Flower Friday Show”, Youtube videos, and tutorials.The ladies of Grace Monroe Home have a passion for “making the ordinary home, EXTRAordinary!” and love sharing DIY tutorials, crafts, home decor hacks, and recipes on their blog, gracemonroehome.com.

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